Missionaries We Financially Support

Missionaries We Financially Support

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:18-20, NIV

We support missionaries and mission organizations currently deployed around the world and who are engaged in preaching, teaching, evangelism, discipleship, church leadership development, and church planting. For more information on how these missionaries and organizations are approved or to apply for funding yourself, please see the “Our Process & How to Apply” page.

These are some of the Missionaries and Mission Organizations that we financially support.

Full-Time Missionaries

Ben & Deana are a local couple that are a part of our church family. They began serving as the directors of All Tribes Christian Camp in the winter of 2023-2024. All Tribes is an important part of our community, being a quick drive down the road from our church. All Tribes is fulfilling the mission given to them, helping to bring children to Jesus Christ by utilizing their summer camps. To learn more about All Tribes, Ben & Deana, or if you want to sign your child up for camp, you can visit their website here.

Jesse Moxam alongside his wife and five kids serve as a full-time missionaries as the Site Director at Galilean Bible Camp in Blind River, Ontario. Galilean is a Christian Camp that offers Summer camps as well as retreats and conferences through the whole year.

P and M served in East Asia for 20 years as business owners. They have four grown children, all of whom are married. They now serve as the Regional Directors for the Asia/Pacific Region from the Regional Hub in South Korea.

As a church we highly value short-term missions as a learning and exposure opportunity. We
want to offer short-term trip experiences to church members to partner with our missionaries to
further their work of reaching the lost and creating discipleship moments where we can fulfill
God’s Great Commission personally and grow in our faith and dependence on Christ.

Summer Students Serving at Home in Ministry

We are thrilled when young people from our own church chose to spend their summer serving
Christ alongside local ministries, for example at Christian summer camps. Our Church is happy
to consider providing a small gift each summer to our own Students. Students who would like to
be considered are encouraged to submit a prayer letter to the Missions Committee.

Other Charities We Support

The Algoma Pregnancy Centre is a non-profit charity founded with the goal of helping men and women facing concerns about pregnancy and parenting, helping them through the love of Jesus, giving them the support they need in order to overcome the challenges that come up. You can learn more about who they are and what they do here.

KFM is a Christian radio station based in Sudbury that reaches thousands across Northern Ontario. KFM’s mission begain all the way back in the 1990’s and has grown steadily over the years. You can learn more about their ministry and listen online by clicking here.

The St. Joseph Island Food Bank helps to support those in need. They are open every Wednesday from 1-3pm and are located at the back of St. Marks United Church in Richards Landing. Click here for contact information or to learn more about this program.

Light Haven Christian Home in Bruce Mines, Ontario has been providing a home for seniors in the area since 1982. As a non-government funded Charity the home relies on residents fees and donations to cover the expenses of the home.